Monday 22 February 2016

What kind of training do staff need?
Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education also refers to the responsibilities on local authorities and other agencies to provide training, as follows:
  • Local authorities should ensure that induction training for all staff includes safeguarding and Prevent awareness.
  • They should also ensure that refresher child protection training is available to all staff every three years, and to designated staff every year.
  • The local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) should provide training in inter-agency working which designated staff should attend.
What local authorities need to do to comply with these requirements is not explicit. The wording – ‘to ensure that suitable training is available’ – does not appear to require local authorities to provide it themselves, though presumably they could. There is also no mention of who is responsible for funding the training.

Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education clarifies the position of further education colleges and independent schools. Similar training is required for their staff but even though the local authority can make similar provision for them, they are allowed to charge for it, and are not obliged to provide it.

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